Monday 13 August 2012

What to eat

So, what can you eat on your fasting days? Well, as far as I can tell, it's entirely up to you.

I'd recommend using a website like My Fitness Pal to work out how many calories you're consuming.

As long as you consume fewer than 600 calories per day (or 500 for women), the choice is yours.

Here's a great recipe for home made veggie soup.

It's probably sensible to stick to low calorie foods, and avoid processed foods, or those high in sugar and fat.

Here's what I've had today:

  • A few strawberries
  • An apple
  • A banana
  • A couple of medium carrots
  • Some cherry tomatoes (grown from our own garden!)
  • A delicious bowl of home-made veggie soup for lunch. (Dead easy to make, see earlier recipe).
  • A small glass of diluted fruit juice
  • A leafy salad for dinner, with peppers, cherry tomatoes and a smidge of salad dressing and chilli sauce.

Doesn't sound like much (and it isn't!), but I haven't felt *THAT* hungry. I have felt a bit tired at times, but nothing major.

I've found that it helps to space out my food throughout the day. And lots of peppermint tea or black coffee helps.

I've noticed how amazingly good food tastes when I'm a bit hungry!

Two thoughts have really kept me going today:
  1. I've made a public commitment now and so it's much harder to back out!
  2. Tomorrow I can have a "normal" day and eat whatever I like. This will be my reward for being good for 2 days! 
In fact I can eat what I like again now until my next fasting day (planned for next Monday).

I know it's only Day 2, but I really do think this is going to be sustainable for me in the long term. In fact I'm quite enjoying it!

Will I totally pig out tomorrow? Or will I remain relatively health conscious and cut out most of the junk? We'll see!

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